Food vs. Bikini Bod


So, I have had quite the dilemma lately. With summer just around the corner, I hear of everyone trying to get in shape to look good in a swim suit. However, food is a weakness for me.

Sound familiar?

Usually I would fit in with this crowd of “gym-goers” if you must, but this spring it is just not happening for me the way I would like it to.

I get these extreme urges to go work out at the gym and have an amazing body for summer just about everyday.

Well, it just so happens that these urges come as I am laying in bed at 2 a.m. or even worse, as I am gawking at Pinterest boards of girls with successful work outs thinking “gee, I would kill for that body.” (not that I am unhappy with my appearance because I love the way I was made) But, we all could use little improvements here and there.

A girl can dream, right?

One day this will happen and I can be proud of myself for putting the effort in.

I really really wish I was still in as good of shape as I was in high school. Those 6:45 a.m. volleyball workouts were dreadful back then, but man do I wish I still had the opportunity to do them. I digress, but I believe my point has been made.

Now, to the problem with food. I love to eat! Who can disagree? No one, I hope.

The hardest part is that my boyfriend loves when I cook. Sounds like a real problem, huh? (sarcastic voice)

I suppose that is not truly the problem. The problem is that the dishes I make are not necessarily the healthiest meals out there. Granted, I could definitely do worse, but I could also do better.

And when I am cooking for my boyfriend, I need to make double the recipe because it takes him a lot to become full and he shoots for misery when he eats.


Here is an example of something I made that I made the mistake of not making enough of. This has been my pride and joy of meals I have made, loaded baked potato casserole. If this picture interests you, here is where you can try it out for yourself!

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